Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

You Who Used To Be Mine

Today I tried to rewrite your pages—You who used to be mine. But no matter how much I filled the pages, the numbness never eased because you left quietly without a sound, without a note, just silently.

I tried to dig for the memories that used to be, but the walls caved in, and I’m left empty and alone as though you wish not to be found.

I tried living without you, but the memories of you keep giving me sleepless nights of who I could’ve been with you, As the night mourns who I once was with you.

Life carved out a journey that led me to losing you. If I could, I would start all over again. Just to rewrite our ending if it meant getting you back.

I miss your recklessness, the fire in your eyes, your laughter, the hunger for success, the girl who strived for life and fought battles, just so that she could say, I was here, and I did it.

The You who used to be mine.  You who used to hold me by the hand and never let me go. You who was my strength and light. You who fought life just so that I could breathe.

You who left me lifeless.

May you see this letter and remember the woman I am misses you the girl who I was once.