Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

The Unshackle of Life: Embrace the Adventures.

You are good enough, you deserve all the love and good things in life. Never doubt yourself.

Life is like a blink of an eye.

People often say “You live only once” or “Life is short” but do we understand these phrases?

We live in a world where everything is never enough. There is never enough time and you find yourself struggling, overwhelmed, and always trying to reach a goal that will fulfill you or help you achieve success. You find yourself constantly seeking the next thrill and checklist so that you may feel accomplished. However, the excitement is short-lived and somehow you find yourself looking for the next project because the achievements are never enough to satisfy your desire for contentment and approval.

Am I enough?

Although at times you feel like you have it all figured out, overthinking and being anxious suddenly overwhelms you and doubt creeps in and you are no longer in control. So, it makes you wonder: Am I enough? Is what I’m doing enough? Will I ever feel content and stop living in the what-if moments?

I think we can all relate to these inadequate feelings at some point in our lives. Where we constantly second-guess ourselves and try to reach endless life goals that are deemed as fulfilling. But we still soldier on because life must go on and we must pick ourselves up and keep pushing.

Live For Yourself

But what if you stopped trying to prove yourself to everyone and just breathe? Take a step back from trying to constantly change to society’s expectations and the pressures of the world and just live for yourself. 

Living for yourself might seem like such a difficult concept to live by because you constantly trying to mold yourself to what the world expects of you and get triggered if that image gets distorted. in addition, you search for peace, acceptance, and excitement, and when you struggle to find it, your emotions fluctuate to unfulfillment, depression, and anxiety because you seek approval from everyone and forget the most important person: Yourself.

Life is Short

How nice would it be if fulfillment is being content with who you are and not what you possess. Moreover, you never get to a point where you need to lose everything or yourself to realize that life is truly short, and you live once.  There’s no redo or what-ifs, so don’t always second-guess yourself, just act.

Only if you get to the point of feeling good enough by yourself and not through accomplishments or appraisals can you truly strive to be content no matter what others say.   

You might be wondering, how do I get to the point of living positively for myself?

These a few ways:

1.  Be True to Yourself:

Always make time to connect with yourself, whether it’s through:

–  Journaling            – Meditating

–  Time in nature    – Taking yourself out.

Most importantly, be honest with yourself about what you think, feel, want, and need. 

2. Ask yourself: How Would I Like to Experience My Life:

You must always know your purpose and set attainable goals that will lead to the life you want. Be sure to make decisions that are intentional about your life. This leads to taking ownership of the direction you want your life to go.

3. Be Kind and Love Yourself:

Loving yourself might seem like the easiest most natural thing to do, but it’s often the hardest to achieve. In loving others, we tend to neglect ourselves. Even though loving someone is excellent, never destroy yourself for anyone. Choose yourself, when no one will choose you. Care for yourself and listen to your body, spirit, and heart, and that will be the greatest kindness you can ever gift yourself and the world.

All in all, sometimes all we need to do is slow down and breathe. Be more aware of our surroundings, and live our lives with the intended purpose and direction we want.  We must become more intentional with our decisions and strive to say “I have lived my life with little to no regrets”. Only then can we truly say I have given my all and I have lived my life by my rules. In turn, that’s how we truly connect with our true selves and feel good enough to live freely and for ourselves.