Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

When In Self Doubt Focus On What Will Work

July 26, 2024

There is nothing as frustrating and scary as starting over in life. Whether you are moving to a different place, changing careers, or even just trying something new. You find yourself second-guessing yourself and even start noticing inadequate things that were never there before. After working abroad and being an expat for a while, I…

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Life Is Short: Protect Your Peace Of Mind

March 24, 2024

How to protect your peace Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with everything in life that you just wished you could leave everything behind and go to a place where no one knows you? A place where you can get peace of mind and start anew without stress or worries. If you constantly thinking like…

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5 Winter Wellness Tips For Your Peace Of Mind

November 20, 2023

Have you ever left the house only to see a dark and gloomy sky, and you instantly know that your day will be a boring and gloomy one? This shows how many of us experience surrounding and seasonal moods that affect our mental and physical well-being. Most of us are familiar with the saying ‘Seasons…

8 Important Travel Safety Tips

November 10, 2023

Traveling can be a thrilling and exciting experience where you meet different people and learn so much about the world and yourself. But despite that, going somewhere new can be scary and bewildering and we forget to take note of our safety and security, putting our mental and physical health at risk. Recently I came…

The Unshackle of Life: Life is Short, Embrace the Adventures of it.

November 4, 2023

You are good enough, you deserve all the love and good things in life. Never doubt yourself. Life is like a blink of an eye. People often say “You live only once” or “Life is short” but do we understand these phrases? We live in a world where everything is never enough. There is…

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