Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

Life Is Short: Protect Your Peace of Mind

How to protect your peace

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with everything in life that you just wished you could leave everything behind and go to a place where no one knows you? A place where you can get peace of mind and start anew without stress or worries.

If you constantly thinking like this then you should consider an introspection into your life and try to self-reflect on how you can improve yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

We tend to give so much of ourselves to the point of overexerting and straining ourselves that we don’t give any leeway for peace of mind.

What Peace of mind means

Protecting your peace of mind is constantly creating an environment where you can safeguard your mental, emotional, and physical well-being while prioritizing your happiness.  It’s creating a space to heal while living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

1. Set Boundaries

When people talk about boundaries it often seems as though they are unapproachable or have intense restrictions, but boundaries help you protect your values, needs, and feelings.

Having a clear set of boundaries is a crucial guideline for protecting your peace.

When you have expressed your boundaries, you no longer feel guilty about saying no to things you don’t want to do because you have voiced out where you stand.  This helps you prioritize yourself by protecting your mental health because you’ve communicated your personal, financial, and social limitations, which need to be respected.

2. Put Yourself First

Do you often pressurize yourself to do everything, to the point of taking care of everyone while putting your needs and self-care last? This in turn sometimes results in you ending up pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion affecting your mental and emotional health.

if you have acknowledged that you exhaust yourself while prioritising others then it means you’ve become self-aware. This self-awareness will help your self-reflection journey

So be kinder, loving, and selfish with yourself, don’t let people or even you take yourself for granted. Even when people call you selfish and ungrateful for putting yourself before them, always choose yourself first.

3. Walk away from Unsupportive People

Many of us can relate when it comes to having toxic and unsupportive people around us. Even though we might love those people as they can be family or friends, cutting them off is not always easier. But when you think of your happiness, it becomes a necessity. Life is too short to spend it with people who make you unhappy.

I remember from my own experience of feeling drained and exhausted that I had to cut some people and it’s a heartbreaking and lonely journey. But as soon as I left negative people it felt freeing, and I found peace.

4. Speak Positively About Your Life

As cliché as the saying goes, ‘words can build or destroy you’, especially if those words come from you about yourself.  In a superficial word, we tend to become negative about ourselves, because we compare ourselves to others leading to negativity and shying away from our true potential.

What if today you looked into the mirror and started speaking positive words to yourself?  

Sometimes that can be hard, especially when the outside world tells you differently, but if you start being positive and lifting yourself, you get to motivate yourself and gain the confidence to be your best.

Today take time to reflect, get to know yourself, love yourself, and appreciate yourself. Bring positivity into your life.

5. Let Go of Things That Make You Unhappy

Life is too short to be holding on to things that make us unhappy or disturb our peace of mind. 

Things that bring about unhappiness can range from simple things such as old stuff that clutter your house. Sometimes it can be complex things, such as forgiving someone who hurt you.

Letting go of these things can not only bring peace of mind but it can be freeing mentally and physically.

Letting go differs from person to person, it takes time and most importantly it’s not easy. But, once do it, it becomes easier.

6. Make Time for Things that Make You Happy

In this busy life, we tend to neglect ourselves and the things that make us happy because it’s easy to take the people that we love and the things that we love to do for granted.

That’s why we need to stop and re-evaluate our priorities.

We can start by putting an effort into spending more time with the people that we love and doing more of the things that fill our hearts with joy and happiness.

So today, I’m rooting for you to take time to do more of what makes you happy, whether it’s spending time alone or with others, even if it’s trying a hobby, as long as it brings you joy to start a new day.

7. Do things That help Calm Your Mind and Spirit

I am someone who suffers from overthinking and easily gets filled with anxious thoughts. These feelings tend to keep me up at night, thus resulting in more stress and worrying. Until I realized that I needed a solution to help calm me down when I felt this way.

I realized that It’s important to let yourself feel your emotions, acknowledge your thoughts, and deal with them.

The thing that helped me deal with my emotions and thoughts was doing yoga and journaling. Putting my thoughts and emotions in writing, helped me handle my anxious mind and calm me down.

We all are different, so you need to find what grounds you and helps calm your mind giving you peace of mind, like how yoga and journaling helped me.

Final Thoughts

When you have peace of mind, you end up being the best version of yourself.

While life can’t always be filled with happiness and peace, you can still take steps and have measures in place to help reduce the impact and challenges that may affect your state of mind.