Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

Hi, my name is Thandi!

I want to take a moment to share with you my personal journey as embrace the art of writing in my own blog journal. I have always found inspiration, healing, and purpose in written words. Writing is a safe -haven for me, whether it is through journaling, poetry, or comic books. It’s where I can truly express myself without restrictions and limitations. So I would like to connect with others through this blog.

A Little About Myself:

I am a 20-something from South Africa, who loves traveling, lazing around, and reading comic books. I have always been passionate about self-care and improving my mental health and social lifestyle. Since I am an introvert, writing has been one of the ways I can journal and express my thoughts and experiences of self-love and personal development. This development led to the idea of my blog about personal development and self-love called Investpositively.

I would like to invite you on this journey of self-love and writing with me. Where we discover so much about ourselves and grow while falling in love with reading and writing. Hope you enjoy….