Journey of self worth, self esteem and being compasionate to everyone and yourself. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, positivity and confidence.

8 Important Travel Safety Tips

Traveling can be a thrilling and exciting experience where you meet different people and learn so much about the world and yourself. But despite that, going somewhere new can be scary and bewildering and we forget to take note of our safety and security, putting our mental and physical health at risk.

Recently I came across a disturbing article about a woman who got assaulted while traveling alone. This prompted me to write this blog about things I do to ensure my safety as a traveler who sometimes travels solo.

To ensure a safe and smooth trip while traveling and preparing for your next destination.

Here are 8 travel tips to follow:

1. Research The Place of Travel

Sometimes when we travel to areas, we only research fun activities and things to do. Although these are very important things to note, you need to make sure you know your destination in depth and that includes the laws and rules.

 Read about other travelers’ experiences and their reviews, especially when checking accommodation, crime, and how foreigners are treated.

 Most importantly check the Destinations Department website for updates and news on current affairs and get information about your nearest embassy or consulate.

Here her some research questions you can check for your next destination:

  • What are the rules regarding dress code?
  • Do you need to be vaccinated?
  • What is the local currency? Do they use other currencies besides their own?
  • How safe is their drinking water?
  • What transport mode is easier or cheaper to use?
  • What is the main language?

2. Prepare Travel Documents

Make sure all your documents are up to date. Prepare your passport in time and check whether a visa is needed for your travel destination.

Once all your documents are prepared, make copies and keep them with you. This can be done by scanning your documents online and also having physical hard copies of them. This will save you from having unnecessary stress and you will have backup if something happens to your original documents.

3. Keep Your Loved Ones Updated

We travel for different reasons and sometimes that could be because we need space from those around us. Even so, we must notify a few trusted people about our travel plans

It is essential to always keep your friends and family updated every day whilst on your travel. Before you travel, your loved ones must know exactly where you are going and if possible send your itinerary, so that they can keep tabs on your whereabouts.

4. Make Sure Your Connectivity is Working

When traveling it’s always fun to share your experiences with friends and family or even through your social media pages. So you must make sure you are connected when traveling in a different country.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Do you want to use international roaming with your current plan or buy a local Simard while abroad?
  • Does your destination have public WIFI or should you consider data?
  • Do you need a virtual private network (VPN ) to access some social media apps in the country or are all communication apps working?

5. Make Sure Finances are in Order

Always make sure you have enough money when traveling. This includes having money in your bank card and physical cash in your possession. Although bank cards are safe and convenient, to avoid unwanted problems such as your card being unreadable in a restaurant or store, you need to carry enough physical money to cover your expenses.

When traveling abroad you must always notify your bank that you are traveling. This way your bank won’t suspect any fraud issues when you purchase things in another country.

6. Have Safety Measures for Your Hotel Room

We have all heard horror stories of people’s experiences while traveling.  Such as how someone’s possessions got stolen in their hotel room or an intruder got into their room while they were asleep and each story makes you more nervous and alert, especially when you are a solo traveler.

Here are some safety measures you can use:

  • Buy a portable door jammer, which is a device for door security.
  • Lock and dead-bolt the door.
  • Keep the blinds and windows closed if you are not in the room.
  • Do not let any strangers into your room, even if they are staff members. Rather keep them by the door to be safe.
  • Keep your money and valuables always locked in your suitcase or keep them on you.

7. Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health

Traveling can be a fun and exciting experience that can stimulate our physical and mental health. But if we forget to take care of ourselves it can equally be detrimental to our health.  While traveling, we tend to want to experience everything in a space of a few weeks, causing burnout and fatigue.

Prioritizing your well-being and health when traveling should be as important as the activities you’ll part-take in on the road.  

Here are some ways you can care for your well-being:

  • Prioritize self-care time, this can be a spa day or relaxing time at the beach.
  •  Eat Healthy and stay hydrated, this can be done by grabbing fruits at the local markets and keeping a water bottle.
  • Be mindful and slow down, you can do this by taking your time and enjoying a little quiet to yourself thus creating space for your mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • Have simple medication just in case you get sick, like headache or nausea pills.

8. Take Note of Your Surroundings

Trying different activities and moving from place to place while traveling can be exciting causing you to get distracted. Hence it’s important to take note of your surroundings and take precautions to ensure your safety.

Here are measures to follow:

  • Protect your personal belongings by carrying a fanny pack or cross bag with you to deter pickpockets.
  •  Be alert by listening to your gut feeling if something or someone doesn’t feel right leave that person or place. Ask staff members for places to avoid so you don’t go to unsafe areas.
  • Consider getting travel insurance, this can help you save money in case of an unfortunate event.

Although traveling can be an amazing experience, you must always remember to plan and take care of yourself. Prioritize your mental and physical well-being while taking your time and enjoying the moment. Being prepared for your destination will help ease your mind and make your destination more fantastic.